If using BibTEX, authors need not submit the .bib file for their papers. Merely submit the completed .bbl file, having used siam.bst as their bibliographic style file. siam.bst only works with BibTEX version 99i and later. The use of BibTEX and the preparation of a .bib file is described in greater detail in [1].
If not using BibTEX, SIAM bibliographic references follow the format of the following examples:
\bibitem{AuTh1} {\sc A.~U. Thorone}, {\em Title of paper with lower case letters}, SIAM J. Abbrev. Correctly, 2 (1992), pp.~000--000. \bibitem{A1A2} {\sc A.~U. Thorone and A.~U. Thortwo}, {\it Title of paper appearing in book}, in Book Title: With All Initial Caps, Publisher, Location, 1992. \bibitem{A1A22} \sameauthor, % generates the 3 em rule {\em Title of Book{\rm :} Note Initial Caps and {\rm ROMAN TYPE} for Punctuation and Acronyms}, Publisher, Location, pp.~000--000, 1992. \bibitem{AuTh3} {\sc A.~U. Thorthree}, {\em Title of paper that's not published yet}, SIAM. J. Abbrev. Correctly, to appear.
Other types of references fall into the same general pattern. See the sample file or any SIAM journal for other examples. Authors must correctly format their bibliography to be considered as having used the macros correctly. An incorrectly formatted bibliography is not only time-consuming but very likely to have errors introduced into it by keyboarders/copy editors.
As an alternative to the above style of reference, an alphanumeric
code may be used in place of the number (e.g., [AUTh90]). The same
commands are used, but \bibitem
takes an optional argument
containing the desired alphanumeric code.
Another alternative is no number, simply the authors' names and the year of publication following in parentheses. The rest of the format is identical. The macros do not support this alternative directly, but modifications to the macro definition are possible if this reference style is preferred.